The extreme times we are living in are accelerating personal and spiritual growth for many. In 2020, I had the honor and pleasure of reaching a few thousand people with the message of relaxing the nervous system, turning within for peace and meeting yourself and experiences with acceptance and compassion, with a process I’m calling Relax Into Presence. I saw how powerful and nurturing it was to come together online in a group format to learn, relax and rise above. That experience has inspired me to create a group series, titled The Garden. Through this series of seasonal programs, I will build on that foundation to go deeper, drawing on nature as a guide. This group format will enable me to share teachings and tools that I have gathered along my own path to nurture, sustain and strengthen your Whole or True Self “ Mind, Body and Spirit. We can support, learn from and inspire each other during this difficult but potentially transformative time.
For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it. – Amanda Gorman
Why is this Important Now? The Call of Our Times
It is clear that business as usual isn’t working anymore on all levels. The perspective of the separate or false self is that of the personality or ego; individuality reigns as does competition, gain at all cost, protection, fear, and an us vs them mentality. I believe that every solution to every problem humanity is facing requires the opposite perspective; for us to see, know and live according to our inter-Being with each other, nature and the Source of All That Is. That is the perspective of the True or Expanded Self, from which you have access to your true creative and divine potential. Did you know we are all connected through our nervous systems? Through a process called neuroception, we sense the state of other people’s systems. We are always broadcasting peace or fear “ what signal are you broadcasting? Through shifting your state, your story, and your perception, you can contribute peace, love and healing to the whole. As one of my mentors in holistic health liked to say after a lesson, Everything is Everything! There is no separation. Yes, Ghandi was right “ we each have to Be the change we want to see. (Photo credit: Utsman Media/
The Garden – Cultivating the Seed of Potential = Your True Self
What if your Essence or the True Self is like a seed planted in your heart before you were born? A seed, that once cracked open allows us to remember our Source and why we are here. Unfortunately, most of us were born into a family or society that didn’t allow that seed to sprout. Perhaps it didn’t get enough warmth from the sun, or water or the soil was really rocky. Or the young shoots were pulled up one by one until that seed decided not to bother sending those shoots up towards the sun anymore. The true seed stays hidden and protected by maybe a wall or fence of even bigger rocks. Maybe you decide to grow a false seed“ it doesn’t matter if it’s a weed that is tough and grows under harsh conditions or maybe a rose because you thought that roses are what everyone wants. But what if you are like the wild geranium flowers that surprised us last year in our own garden. We had cleared the yard of weeds and invasive plants, planted new perennials and moved existing plants around but what delighted us the most were these colorful, happy wildflowers that came up on their own, given enough room and the right conditions to do so. These right conditions are what I hope is created with this new offering “ The Garden. The year will be divided into seasonal Programs with Mind, Body, Spirit themes aligned with the seasons. We will let nature lead the way! You can choose to participate in the year or one season at a time. I hope you consider joining. For more information please click on the link below.
What You Will Receive:
- A safe, supportive community of fellow gardeners to share, learn and grow with.
- Ninety- minute sessions that include a teaching, a guided meditation or process and time for discussion.
- Access to a Members Only page with recordings of sessions, an audio file of the meditation and relevant handouts.
- Tools and practices that I have learned from various wisdom and spiritual traditions, or relevant modalities or have created that help to nurture and fortify the mind, body and spirit to allow for transformation to occur.
A Sample of Tools and Practices:
- Ways to ground into and feel supported in and by the body.
- Practices that give you the experience of yourself as a multi-sensory, expansive, free, energetic being.
- Tools to identify limiting thoughts and belief systems that block your true expression.
- Ways to work with the challenges of your life as your greatest teachers.
- Meditations to lead you to your center or still point where the power of Grace and all potential resides.
What this IS NOT:
- A prescription or how-to manual. I am more interested in empowering you with knowledge, tools and shared experiences that we create as a group.
- A self-improvement project – improving your idea of your personality is not what this is about.
- Spiritual bypassing “ this is not about just thinking positive thoughts, bypassing or glossing over the difficulties of your life “ it is using them as fertilizer and compost for growth and healing.
- I am NOT an expert who has all the answers and has it all figured out. Think of me as the one who is holding the flashlight trying to find the way back to the campground at night. I bump into things and go the wrong way sometimes (a lot). I have no interest in becoming another authority figure in your life.
The flower
never had a to-do list,
not one day of her life.
She just pointed her whole self
toward light.
The rest
took care of itself.
–Chelan Harkin