About Course
Free Workshop: February 12th, 6:30 pm-8:00pm Central Time
Have you ever wondered why you do what you do, think what you think and feel what you feel?
The Enneagram is a powerful and effective map and tool for personal growth that describes 9 patterns of personality. In Greek, ennea means 9 and gramma means point. Each type or point represents a unique way of perceiving and experiencing the world. In other words, there are 9 lenses through which we perceive, evaluate and participate in life. The symbol contained within the circle represents movement within the circle. We each have access to the qualities of all the types. We tend to move in predictable ways to other types during times of stress or relaxation. We can learn to balance our personality through intentional movement or borrowing healthy traits from other types.
The Enneagram reveals with amazing precision, who we believe ourselves to be and shows us who we might become as we align to more of our Essence.
Through learning about your unique type you can become aware of the patterns that enhance your life and patterns that make your life more challenging and create limitations. Learning about the enneagram leads to greater understanding of yourself and others.
Access more joy, compassion, purpose and wellbeing through self discovery and acceptance and learning ways to balance and embrace your authentic self.
This free introductory workshop gives an overview of some of the basic components of the Enneagram and a short introduction to the 9 types. For more information check out my Enneagram page on my website. I will be offering a more in-depth 6 week course starting in March, 2025.