I have been privileged to work with 8 people who are participating in my Pilot Project which combines my work as a health educator/coach with the new skills and tools I have been accumulating in my studies with Chicago healer, Kurt Hill, Martha Beck, Byron Katie, Tara Brach, Dr. Keith Holden, in addition to countless books on Jungian psychology and holistic and energy healing. Some will call this line of work Somatic Psychology or Energy Healing or Energy Psychology. Kurt Hill calls it Advanced Psychosomatic Character Therapy. It uses both ancient healing methods and very modern science in psychoneuroimmunology, mind body medicine, quantum physics and vibrational medicine.
What I have found is that profound healing is possible at any age and no matter how long you have been dealing with your “issues”. Your “issues are in your tissues” so accessing them in your body and releasing them in a very relaxed state leads to profound and what seems to be lasting shifts.
Comments from participants include:
- “I went from stuck to unstuck”.
- “Feelings of anxiety and negative thought patterns I have had for years are just gone”
- “I have recovered a sense of joy, more energy and a release of old patterns”.
- “I feel like I have a new pair of glasses on, I am seeing a whole new world.”
- “Ann creates space that allows the layers to emerge.”
These are powerful statements that show results in just 6 sessions. I have learned that everything is related: your habits, your memories, the pain in your back, the negative self-talk, the inertia, insomnia, hormones, the food you eat, and on an on. These are all clues to what is holding you back from feeling your best and functioning optimally. I have learned ways of accessing and uncovering unconscious material or blocks in the form of dreams, physical symptoms, daily irritants or stressors, mental symptoms and the chakra system. I have also learned skills for transforming and using them to heal wounds from the past making room for more energy for self-healing.
By recovering aspects of your Self that have gone into hiding, you align with your true authentic Self. That is at the heart of this process which feels like freedom in the mind body and spirit. Ready to find your wings? Stay tuned for some transformational stories next time.